Become a Thought-Leader — Jeff Jones

Writing and Publishing on Amazon


Never before in the history of humans has anyone been able to publish their thoughts, offering them to the entire world. That barrier is now been torn down. The field has been leveled.

While it’s never been more accessible, it still requires some knowledge and experience. After having gone through the process multiple times, with all its quirks and demands, it has become clear how beneficial a publishing sherpa is needed.

Three Ways to Engage


“Help me from
beginning to end”

If you have an idea but don’t know where to start, this is for you. We’ll help you organize your thoughts, illustrate key principles and then layout the book then publish it to Amazon in both a print version and a Kindle version.

design & Publish:

“help me get it
ready & online”

Maybe you have the manuscript done, or at least, you’re sure you can finish it. We can take your finished manuscript, design the finished book and publish it, helping you reach your audience and the world. Let’s talk about your vision.


“Help Me
get it online”

If you have the creative resources to take your finished manuscript into design. You’ve got the chops to create a compelling cover. But, you find yourself lacking the experience to get your masterpiece on Amazon. We can help.